
Abraham Lincoln: Height, Weight, Age, Career And Success

Abraham Lincoln, one of the most revered figures in American history, was known for his towering stature, both physically and as a leader. Born in 1809 in a humble log cabin, Lincoln’s height, weight, age, and biography continue to captivate people’s imagination to this day.

Standing at six feet four inches tall, Lincoln was an imposing figure and often stood head and shoulders above his peers. Despite his tall frame, he was known for his down-to-earth nature and approachability.

In addition to his remarkable height, Lincoln’s weight fluctuated throughout his life, reflecting the hardships and stresses he faced as the 16th President of the United States. Join me on a journey to discover more about the life, accomplishments, and extraordinary personality of Abraham Lincoln.

Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, stood at 2.04 m tall and weighed around 82 kg. Although his net worth is estimated to be around $ 1.3 million, he faced financial difficulties throughout his life. Born on February 12, 1809, in a log cabin in Kentucky, Lincoln grew up in a modest family. His professional achievements include leading the nation through the Civil War, signing the Emancipation Proclamation, and delivering the Gettysburg Address, among others.

Abraham Lincoln: Latest Information

NameAbraham Lincoln
Sun Sign (Zodiac Birth Sign)Aquarius
Height2.04 m
Eye ColorGray
Facebook LinkN/A
Weight82 kg
Birthplace/HometownHodgenville, Kentucky
House LocationSpringfield, Illinois
Net Worth$1.3 million
Wiki PageAbraham Lincoln
EthnicityEnglish, Scottish, Welsh
Twitter Profile LinkUnknown
NicknameHonest Abe
Hair ColorDark Brown
Date of BirthFebruary 12, 1809
Body MeasurementN/A
House LocationSpringfield, Illinois

Physical Statistics

Eye ColorBlue
Weight82 kg
Height (Tall)2.04 m
Shoe Size (UK)10
Hair ColorDark Brown
ProfessionLawyer, Politician


Abraham Lincoln’s Biography
Abraham Lincoln’s Biography
ParentsThomas Lincoln, Nancy Hanks Lincoln
Weight82 kg
SiblingsSarah Lincoln, Thomas Lincoln Jr., Mary Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln – Height, Weight, Net Worth, Personal Details, Income, Family, Professional Achievements

Abraham Lincoln is one of the most iconic figures in American history. As the 16th President of the United States, Lincoln led the nation through the Civil War, preserved the Union, and abolished slavery. Beyond his political achievements, there is much to learn about Lincoln’s personal life, physical attributes, and professional endeavors. In this article, we delve into the fascinating details of Abraham Lincoln’s height, weight, net worth, personal life, income, family, and professional accomplishments.

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Abraham Lincoln’s Early Years

Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809, in a log cabin in Hardin County, Kentucky. He was the son of Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks Lincoln. At a young age, Lincoln’s family moved to Indiana and later settled in Illinois, which would become his home state. Despite coming from humble beginnings, Lincoln had a strong desire for education and self-improvement. He read voraciously and became a skilled lawyer and orator.


Many people often wonder about Abraham Lincoln’s height. Lincoln stood at around 6 feet 4 inches tall, making him one of the tallest presidents in American history. His towering height was often remarked upon by those who met him. Lincoln’s height, combined with his distinct appearance and deep voice, contributed to his commanding presence.


While there isn’t an exact record of Abraham Lincoln’s weight throughout his life, historical accounts suggest that he was a thin and wiry man. It is estimated that Lincoln weighed around 82 kg, which was considered relatively light for a man of his height. His physical stature, coupled with his powerful leadership, made him an imposing figure.

Net Worth

Abraham Lincoln’s net worth varied throughout his life due to his various professions and financial circumstances. As a lawyer, Lincoln experienced both financial success and struggles. He earned a reputation as a skilled attorney and garnered substantial income from his law practice.

However, Lincoln’s net worth took a hit during the economic downturns he faced. Additionally, his financial situation was further strained by his political career and his commitment to funding the Union war effort during the Civil War. Despite these challenges, Lincoln’s net worth at the time of his assassination in 1865 was estimated to be around $1.3 million, which would be equivalent to several million dollars in today’s currency.

Personal Details

Abraham Lincoln had a fascinating personal life. In 1842, he married Mary Todd Lincoln, and together they had four sons: Robert, Edward, William, and Thomas. Tragically, three of their sons died before reaching adulthood, leaving only Robert as their surviving child.

Lincoln was known for his wit, storytelling, and love of animals. He often enjoyed spending time with his family, and anecdotes of his interactions with his sons were frequently shared. Lincoln also had a deep sense of empathy and compassion, which contributed to his reputation as a caring and thoughtful leader.

Abraham Lincoln’s Professional Achievements

Abraham Lincoln’s Biography
Abraham Lincoln’s Biography

Abraham Lincoln’s professional achievements go far beyond his role as the President of the United States. Before entering politics, Lincoln worked as a lawyer in Illinois, handling a wide range of legal cases. He gained prominence for his eloquence and intellect, which propelled him into politics.

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Illinois State Legislature

In 1834, Abraham Lincoln was elected to the Illinois State Legislature, where he served four consecutive terms. During his time in the legislature, Lincoln advocated for economic development, infrastructure improvements, and educational reform. His dedication and leadership qualities earned him a reputation as a promising political figure.

Lincoln’s willingness to challenge the status quo and champion equal rights also marked him as a progressive voice in Illinois politics. His rise in the state legislature paved the way for his future political aspirations.

U.S. Congress and the “House Divided” Speech

In 1846, Abraham Lincoln was elected to the United States House of Representatives, where he served a single term. During his time in Congress, Lincoln opposed the expansion of slavery and delivered his famous “House Divided” speech in 1858. This speech, which emphasized the growing divide over the issue of slavery, solidified Lincoln as a national figure.

His powerful rhetoric and moral conviction made him a leading voice against the expansion of slavery into new territories, garnering attention and support from anti-slavery advocates across the country.

Presidency and Emancipation Proclamation

Abraham Lincoln’s most significant professional achievement was his presidency. Elected in 1860, Lincoln faced the immense challenge of leading a divided nation on the brink of civil war. Throughout his presidency, Lincoln navigated the complexities of the Civil War, striving to preserve the Union and ultimately bring an end to slavery.

In 1863, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared that all slaves in Confederate territory were to be set free. While it did not immediately end slavery, the proclamation signaled a pivotal shift in the nation’s stance on slavery and set the stage for the eventual passage of the Thirteenth Amendment, which abolished slavery in the United States.

Legacy and Impact

Abraham Lincoln’s legacy is far-reaching. His leadership during the Civil War helped guide the nation through its darkest period, and his commitment to ending slavery solidified his place in history as a champion of justice and equality.

Lincoln’s dedication to preserving the Union and his efforts toward reconciliation after the war set the foundation for a united and stronger United States. His powerful speeches, such as the Gettysburg Address, continue to resonate with people around the world.

In conclusion, Abraham Lincoln’s height, weight, net worth, personal details, and professional achievements all contribute to the multifaceted legacy of one of America’s greatest leaders. From his towering stature to his resolute leadership, Lincoln’s impact on the nation will continue to be celebrated and studied for generations to come.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some common questions related to Abraham Lincoln and his details, professional achievements, and financial status.

What was Abraham Lincoln’s height?

Abraham Lincoln stood at approximately 2.04 m tall, making him one of the tallest presidents in the history of the United States. His towering height earned him the nickname “Honest Abe” and also made him easily recognizable among his contemporaries.

Can you tell me about Abraham Lincoln’s weight?

Though there is 82 kg of Abraham Lincoln’s weight, historical accounts indicate that he had a lean and slender build throughout his life. Lincoln’s focus on physical labor and his towering height likely contributed to his relatively low body weight, but it is important to remember that weight measurements were not emphasized during his time.

What was Abraham Lincoln’s net worth?

Abraham Lincoln’s net worth is estimated to have been approximately $1.3 million at the time of his assassination in 1865. Adjusted for inflation, this would amount to several million dollars in today’s currency. Lincoln’s modest net worth is mainly attributed to his honest and frugal lifestyle. He was not driven by monetary pursuits but instead focused on the welfare of the nation.

Could you share some personal details about Abraham Lincoln?

Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809, in Hodgenville, Kentucky. He grew up in a humble background and his childhood was marked by hardship. Lincoln married Mary Todd in 1842 and they had four sons together. As a family man, Lincoln was devoted to his wife and children, although he faced personal tragedies, losing two of his sons at young ages.

What were Abraham Lincoln’s professional achievements?

Abraham Lincoln’s professional achievements are numerous and significant. He is best known for serving as the 16th President of the United States from 1861 until his assassination in 1865. Lincoln successfully led the country through one of its greatest crises, the American Civil War, and played a pivotal role in the abolition of slavery with the Emancipation Proclamation. Furthermore, his Gettysburg Address and leadership during the war have solidified his legacy as one of the most respected and influential presidents in American history.

Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States. He grew up in a log cabin and worked hard to become a lawyer and then a politician. Lincoln is famous for leading the country through the Civil War and for ending slavery. He gave great speeches like the Gettysburg Address that still inspire people today. Sadly, Lincoln was assassinated in 1865, but his legacy lives on as one of America’s greatest leaders.

Abraham Lincoln’s life is an inspiring story of determination and leadership. From humble beginnings, he rose to become the President who fought for the abolition of slavery. Through his words and actions, Lincoln showed that with hard work and the right values, anyone can make a difference in the world. His lasting impact has made him a beloved figure in American history, and his words continue to guide and inspire us today.

SN Rokonuzzaman

Hello. I'm SM Rokonuzzaman, a content writer at I supply timely information and news about notable individuals. At, individuals can access a wealth of information about their favorite celebrities, all consolidated in one place.

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