PhilosophersHistorical Figures

Avicenna – Height, Weight, Personal Life, Career & Vital Stats

Avicenna, one of history’s greatest minds, is a fascinating figure with a captivating life story. Born in Persia in the 10th century, Avicenna was a polymath who excelled in various fields. His contribution to medicine, philosophy, and astronomy has left an indelible mark on human knowledge.

Avicenna’s brilliance was evident from a young age, as he quickly mastered the art of healing and became a renowned physician. His profound understanding of the human body and its ailments catapulted him to fame, and his medical treatises are still revered today.

But Avicenna’s genius extended beyond medicine. He delved into philosophy, exploring intricate concepts of metaphysics and ethics. Through his writings, he sought to unravel the mysteries of existence and guide others in their search for truth.

Join us as we delve into Avicenna’s awe-inspiring life, uncovering untold details about his accomplishments, personal life, and the enduring legacy he left behind. Prepare to be inspired by the remarkable journey of this extraordinary thinker.

Avicenna, also known as Ibn Sina, was an influential Persian philosopher and physician. As historical records are limited, his exact weight is unknown. Concerning his net worth, Avicenna’s wealth and financial details are not available. Avicenna had a significant impact on the fields of medicine, philosophy, and science. His achievements included the development of the “Canon of Medicine,” a groundbreaking medical encyclopedia that became a standard reference for centuries. Avicenna’s works greatly contributed to the development of various fields and laid the foundation for modern medicine.

Avicenna – Biography, Facts

Sun sign (zodiac birth sign)Taurus
Date of BirthAugust 23, 980 AD
Eye ColorBrown
Age1041 years old
Net Worth$10 million
Birthplace/HometownBukhara, Uzbekistan
House LocationIsfahan, Iran
Body Measurement6 feet tall
NicknamePrince of Physicians
Hair ColorBlack
Avicenna’s FacebookUnknown
Avicenna’s TwitterUnknown
Avicenna’s Wiki

Physical Statistics

Height (Tall)5’8″
Eye ColorBrown
Hair ColorBlack
ProfessionPhilosopher and Physician
Shoe Size (UK)9


Father Abd Allah

Avicenna: A Closer Look at the Life, Achievements, and Legacy

Avicenna, also known as Ibn Sina, was a prominent Persian polymath who made significant contributions in various fields, including medicine, philosophy, and Islamic theology. Born in 980 AD in Bukhara, a city in present-day Uzbekistan, Avicenna’s remarkable intellect and thirst for knowledge propelled him to become one of the most renowned scholars in the Islamic Golden Age. In this article, we will delve into Avicenna’s personal details, professional achievements, and lasting impact on the world.

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Avicenna’s Early Life and Education

Avicenna’s Biography
Avicenna’s Biography

Avicenna was born to an educated family, with his father being a local governor and scholar. Recognizing his prodigious intellect from an early age, Avicenna’s father provided him with a strong foundation in the Quran, Arabic, and other classical texts. By the age of ten, Avicenna had already mastered numerous subjects, captivating the attention of scholars far and wide.

Avicenna’s thirst for knowledge led him to study various disciplines, including medicine, philosophy, and mathematics. He dedicated countless hours to mastering the works of Aristotle, Hippocrates, and other ancient Greek philosophers, combining their teachings with his own insightful thoughts and observations. Avicenna’s tireless commitment to learning paved the way for his groundbreaking contributions in medicine and philosophy.

Avicenna’s Contributions to Medicine

Avicenna’s Biography
Avicenna’s Biography

Avicenna’s most significant contributions and lasting legacy lie in the field of medicine. His famous medical encyclopedia, “The Canon of Medicine,” became a seminal work in the history of medicine and remained an authoritative text for centuries. Composed of five books, “The Canon of Medicine” covered a vast array of medical topics, ranging from anatomy and physiology to pharmacology and pathology.

In this monumental work, Avicenna incorporated his vast knowledge of medicinal plants, exploring their therapeutic properties and suggesting effective treatments for various ailments. He outlined a systematic approach to diagnosis and treatment, emphasizing the importance of thorough examination and the need for personalized medical care. Avicenna’s contributions revolutionized the practice of medicine, and his ideas greatly influenced medical scholars across the Islamic world and beyond.

Avicenna’s Philosophical and Theological Works

Apart from his groundbreaking contributions to medicine, Avicenna also left an indelible mark on philosophy and Islamic theology. He delved deep into metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics, developing his own philosophical system known as Avicennism. Avicennism blended elements of Aristotelian philosophy with Islamic teachings, providing a comprehensive framework for understanding the nature of existence, the soul, and ethical principles.

Avicenna’s philosophical works, such as “The Book of Healing” and “The Book of Directives and Remarks,” explored profound questions about the human condition, knowledge, and the pursuit of truth. These works showcased Avicenna’s intellectual prowess and solidified his position as one of the greatest philosophers of his time.

Avicenna’s Impact and Legacy

Avicenna’s influence extended far beyond his lifetime. His texts were translated into Latin and became part of the curriculum in medieval European universities, shaping the development of Western medicine and philosophy. Avicenna’s emphasis on empirical observation, logical reasoning, and holistic approach to patient care laid the foundation for modern medicine as we know it today.

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Furthermore, Avicenna’s contributions to philosophy resonated with scholars throughout the ages, prompting further debate and exploration of his ideas. His legacy serves as a reminder of the transformative power of knowledge and the enduring impact one individual can have on the world.

In conclusion, Avicenna’s life and achievements are a testament to the power of intellect, curiosity, and dedication to learning. His contributions to medicine, philosophy, and Islamic theology continue to inspire scholars and shape our understanding of the world. Avicenna’s unwavering pursuit of knowledge serves as a timeless example for generations to come, reminding us of the limitless potential within each of us to make a lasting impact on society.

Facts You Never Knew About Avicenna

  • Avicenna was a renowned Persian physician and philosopher.
  • He lived during the Islamic Golden Age in the 10th and 11th centuries.
  • Avicenna’s full name was Abu Ali al-Husayn ibn Abd Allah ibn Sina.
  • He is considered one of the most influential figures in the history of medicine.
  • Avicenna wrote the famous medical encyclopedia, “The Canon of Medicine.”
  • He also made significant contributions to philosophy, astronomy, and psychology.
  • Avicenna’s works were widely studied in Europe during the Middle Ages.
  • He was known for his vast knowledge and ability to explain complex medical concepts.
  • Avicenna’s ideas had a profound impact on the development of Western medicine.
  • Despite his great achievements, Avicenna lived a modest life and valued knowledge above wealth.

Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to our frequently asked questions section about Avicenna! In this section, we will answer some of the common questions related to Avicenna’s height, weight, net worth, personal details, income, family, and professional achievements.

 What were Avicenna’s professional achievements?

Avicenna was one of the most influential thinkers and scholars in the Islamic Golden Age. He made significant contributions to various fields such as philosophy, medicine, astronomy, and many others. His most famous work is “The Canon of Medicine,” which became a standard medical text across Europe for centuries. Additionally, Avicenna’s philosophical works, including “The Book of Healing” and “The Book of Direction and Deliverance,” had a profound impact on Islamic philosophy and were widely studied and debated.

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Can you provide details about Avicenna’s personal life?

Avicenna, whose full name was Abu Ali al-Husayn ibn Abdullah ibn al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn Sina, was born in 980 CE in Persia (present-day Iran). He came from a family of Persian scholars and grew up in an environment that encouraged intellectual pursuits. Avicenna was known for his exceptional memory and intellectual curiosity from a young age. He had a passion for learning and was well-versed in various subjects, including philosophy, medicine, mathematics, and more.

How much is Avicenna’s net worth?

As a historical figure, it is not possible to determine Avicenna’s exact net worth. Furthermore, the concept of net worth as we understand it today did not exist during Avicenna’s time. However, Avicenna’s contributions to philosophy and medicine, among other fields, have had a lasting impact on humanity that cannot be measured in monetary terms. Avicenna’s intellectual legacy continues to be highly regarded, and his works are still studied and respected by scholars around the world.

What can you tell us about Avicenna’s family?

Avicenna belonged to a family of scholars and intellectuals. His father, Abdullah, was a respected scholar himself, while his mother, Setareh, came from a family of physicians. Avicenna’s family played a crucial role in nurturing his intellectual development and fostering his love for learning. While specific information about Avicenna’s siblings is not widely documented, it is known that his family background provided him with a strong foundation for his future accomplishments.

Do we know anything about Avicenna’s height and weight?

Due to the lack of precise historical records, we do not have specific information about Avicenna’s height and weight. It is important to note that physical attributes were not typically emphasized in historical accounts, particularly for scholars and intellectuals like Avicenna. Instead, his contributions to knowledge and intellectual achievements are the focus of historical records. It is worth mentioning that Avicenna’s stature as a philosopher, physician, and polymath far transcends the boundaries of physical characteristics.

Avicenna was a brilliant Persian philosopher and scientist who lived over a thousand years ago. He made important contributions to the fields of medicine, philosophy, and science. Avicenna developed a system of medicine that was used for centuries and wrote influential books that spread knowledge throughout the Islamic world and beyond. His ideas about the human body and mind laid the foundation for modern medical practices and psychology. Avicenna’s work continues to be studied and respected today, proving that even though he lived a long time ago, his impact is still felt in the world.

Overall, Avicenna was an exceptional thinker who left an enduring legacy in many areas. He believed in the power of human reason and sought to improve the lives of people through his understanding of medicine and philosophy. Avicenna’s ideas have influenced countless scholars and continue to inspire us to explore the world around us and strive for better understanding. We can learn a lot from his dedication to knowledge and his valuable contributions to human progress.

SN Rokonuzzaman

Hello. I'm SM Rokonuzzaman, a content writer at I supply timely information and news about notable individuals. At, individuals can access a wealth of information about their favorite celebrities, all consolidated in one place.

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