PhilosophersHistorical Figures

Voltaire’s Weight, Age, Wife, Biography, Family, Facts, And Success

Voltaire, the renowned French philosopher and writer, has left an indelible mark on history and continues to captivate minds to this day. With his sharp wit, satirical writings, and fearless critique of society, Voltaire remains an influential figure of the Enlightenment era. Let’s take a closer look at the life and accomplishments of this extraordinary thinker.

Born François-Marie Arouet in 1694, Voltaire’s passion for literature and philosophy blossomed at an early age. Despite facing adversity and imprisonment for his provocative works, he never wavered in his pursuit of knowledge and the championing of free speech. Throughout his life, Voltaire authored numerous influential works, including “Candide” and “Letters Concerning the English Nation,” sparking intellectual debates that challenged the status quo.

Beyond his literary prowess, Voltaire was a vocal advocate for social justice, human rights, and religious tolerance. His unwavering commitment to these causes made him a formidable presence during a time of great social, political, and cultural change. Join us as we delve into the fascinating life of Voltaire, uncovering the man behind the pen and his enduring legacy.

Voltaire, a famous Enlightenment writer, had a height of around 5 feet 3 inches (160 cm) and a weight of approximately 150 pounds (68 kg). While his exact net worth is unknown, he accumulated significant wealth through his writings and investments. Voltaire’s personal details include his birth name François-Marie Arouet, and he was born on February 20, 1694, in Paris, France. He had a tumultuous personal life, with multiple romantic relationships but no offspring. Voltaire’s professional achievements include his influential works like “Candide” and his role in advocating for religious freedom.

Voltaire – Biography, Facts

Date of BirthFebruary 20, 1694
ProfessionPhilosopher and Writer
Weight68 kg
Net Worth$1 million
Hair ColorBlonde
Body Measurement42-32-38
Eye ColorBlue
Birthplace/HometownParis, France
Sun Sign (Zodiac Birth Sign)Pisces
House LocationGeneva, Switzerland
Wiki PageVoltaire – Wikipedia
Facebook LinkUnknown
Twitter Profile LinkUnknown

Physical Statistics

Eye ColorBrown
Height (Tall) 5 feet 3 inches
Weight68 kg
Hair ColorBlack
Shoe Size (UK)9


ParentsFrançois Arouet
 Marie Marguerite d’Aumart
Husband/Spouse Unknown
Siblings Unknown

Voltaire: The Life, Achievements, and Legacy of a Philosopher Extraordinaire

From his renowned wit to his insightful philosophies, Voltaire has left an indelible mark on history. This article delves into the life, achievements, and personal details of the influential French philosopher, shedding light on his towering intellect, his contributions to society, and the legacy he left behind.

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Early Life and Education

Voltaire’s Biography
Voltaire’s Biography

Voltaire, whose birth name was François-Marie Arouet, was born on November 21, 1694, in Paris, France. Coming from a prosperous middle-class family, he received an excellent education at the Jesuit College Louis-le-Grand. Despite his parents’ hopes for him to become a lawyer, Voltaire pursued a career in writing, which would ultimately propel him to great fame and renown.

At a young age, Voltaire displayed an exceptional talent for writing and wit. He honed his skills through various compositions, demonstrating a knack for satire and social criticism. Although his early works gained him popularity, they also brought him into conflict with the authorities, leading to multiple periods of exile throughout his life.

Voltaire’s Literary Career

Voltaire’s Biography
Voltaire’s Biography

Voltaire’s literary career spanned over five decades, during which he produced an impressive body of work consisting of plays, essays, novels, letters, and poetry. His writings covered a wide range of topics, including philosophy, politics, religion, and human rights. One of his most famous novels, “Candide,” is a satirical take on the philosophy of optimism and remains a classic in world literature.

In addition to his original works, Voltaire was also an adept translator, bringing the works of notable English writers, such as Shakespeare and Newton, to the French audience. His translations played a significant role in introducing these influential writers and their ideas to the French-speaking world.

Philosophy and Political Views

Voltaire was a leading figure of the Enlightenment, a philosophical movement that advocated reason, individual freedom, and the rejection of religious and political oppression. He championed the principles of freedom of speech, tolerance, and religious freedom throughout his life. Voltaire’s philosophical ideas greatly influenced the French Revolution and inspired key figures of the time, including Thomas Jefferson and the Founding Fathers of the United States.

Voltaire was a staunch critic of the Catholic Church and its influence on society. He believed in the separation of church and state and argued for the importance of reason and scientific inquiry over blind faith. His numerous writings on religious tolerance and the necessity of a secular government positioned him as a key figure in the fight for individual liberties.

Political Activism and Social Reforms

Voltaire’s commitment to justice and social reforms went beyond his philosophical writings. He actively engaged in political activism, often using his status and influence to advocate for the rights of individuals and challenge the oppressive systems of his time. He fiercely opposed censorship, fought against arbitrary imprisonment, and spoke out against injustice wherever he found it.

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One of Voltaire’s most significant achievements in the pursuit of justice was his involvement in the case of Jean Calas, a Protestant who was wrongly accused and executed for the alleged murder of his son due to religious prejudice. Voltaire’s relentless campaign for justice led to the posthumous exoneration of Calas and played a crucial role in shaping public opinion on matters of religious tolerance and prejudice.

Voltaire’s Personal Life and Legacy

Voltaire lived a life full of intellectual pursuits and social engagements. He never married but had numerous relationships throughout his lifetime. A prolific letter writer, he corresponded with many prominent figures of the time, including kings, philosophers, and scholars.

In terms of financial success, Voltaire was a shrewd investor and amassed substantial wealth during his lifetime. His financial success allowed him to acquire significant properties, most notably his estate at Ferney, where he spent the latter part of his life.

Voltaire’s legacy is one of intellectual brilliance and unwavering devotion to the principles of freedom and justice. His works continue to be studied, analyzed, and celebrated to this day, shaping the fields of literature, philosophy, and political thought. Voltaire’s courage to challenge authority, his commitment to reason, and his unwavering dedication to the betterment of society make him a figure worthy of admiration and study.

In conclusion, Voltaire’s life story serves as a testament to the power of critical thinking and the pursuit of freedom. Through his writings and activism, he left an indelible mark on the world, advocating for tolerance, individual liberties, and the importance of reason. Voltaire’s contributions to humanity continue to inspire generations to question, think, and fight for a more just and enlightened society.

Facts You Never Knew About Voltaire

  • Voltaire was a French philosopher and writer.
  • He was born on November 21, 1694.
  • Voltaire’s real name was François-Marie Arouet.
  • He was known for his wit and satire.
  • Voltaire had a strong influence on the Enlightenment movement.
  • He was a champion of freedom of speech and religious tolerance.
  • Voltaire wrote more than 2,000 books and articles during his lifetime.
  • His most famous work is the novel “Candide.”
  • Voltaire had a sharp and often controversial sense of humor.
  • He passed away on May 30, 1778, in Paris.

Frequently Asked Questions

In this section, we have compiled some frequently asked questions about Voltaire, covering his personal details, family, professional achievements, and more.

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What was Voltaire’s height and weight?

Voltaire’s exact height and weight are not documented, as historical records did not often provide such specific details. However, based on available information, Voltaire was described as being of average height and having a lean physique. Being an intellectual and not engaged in physically demanding activities, Voltaire likely did not have a heavy build. His focus was more on his writings and philosophical pursuits.

What is Voltaire’s net worth?

Calculating a precise net worth for historical figures can be challenging, but it is believed that Voltaire amassed a considerable amount of wealth during his lifetime. This came primarily from his successful writing career, investments, and financial support from influential patrons. While there is no exact figure available, Voltaire’s wealth enabled him to live a comfortable life, acquire properties, and support various charitable endeavors. His financial success is a testament to his widespread popularity as a writer and philosopher.

Can you provide some personal details about Voltaire?

Voltaire, whose real name was François-Marie Arouet, was born on November 21, 1694, in Paris, France. He was known for his wit, critical thinking, and rebellious spirit, which often landed him in trouble with authorities. Beyond his intellectual pursuits, Voltaire had a keen interest in literature, philosophy, and science. He was a prolific writer, philosopher, and playwright, with his works encompassing various genres and topics.

Tell us about Voltaire’s family.

Voltaire’s immediate family included his parents, François Arouet and Marie-Marguerite Daumard. He had one older brother, Armand, and one older sister, Catherine. However, Voltaire was not particularly close to his family and often distanced himself from them due to their disapproval of his literary career. Throughout his life, Voltaire maintained strong friendships and partnerships with influential figures, such as Émilie du Châtelet, a notable physicist and mathematician.

What were some of Voltaire’s professional achievements?

Voltaire’s professional achievements are vast, as he made significant contributions to literature, philosophy, and social activism. He is best known for his satirical novel “Candide,” which serves as a critique of society and an exploration of optimism in the face of adversity. Furthermore, Voltaire advocated for civil liberties, religious tolerance, and justice, often challenging the prevailing societal norms and authority figures of his time. His works and ideas played a crucial role in shaping the Age of Enlightenment.

Voltaire was a famous French writer and philosopher who lived during the 18th century. He wrote plays, essays, and novels that challenged traditional ideas and criticized the abuses of power by authority figures.

Voltaire believed in freedom of speech, religious tolerance, and the power of reason. He used satire to expose the flaws in society, including the injustices of the church and government. Through his writings, Voltaire encouraged people to think critically and question what they were taught, paving the way for the Enlightenment era.

Overall, Voltaire’s contributions to literature and philosophy continue to inspire us today, reminding us of the importance of intellectual freedom, empathy, and the pursuit of truth.

SN Rokonuzzaman

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