
Xanana Gusmão Height, Weight, Age, Biography, Wife & More

Xanana Gusmão is a fascinating figure with a compelling life story. Born in East Timor, Xanana Gusmão’s journey is one that inspires and captivates hearts. From his role as a freedom fighter to his position as a political leader, Xanana Gusmão’s life is filled with remarkable achievements and experiences. So, let’s dive deep into the world of Xanana Gusmão and uncover intriguing details about his height, weight, age, biography, husband, and more.

Xanana Gusmão, with his resolute spirit and unwavering determination, has become a symbol of hope and resilience. His story is like a page-turning adventure, full of twists and turns, triumphs and challenges. From a young age, Xanana Gusmão displayed extraordinary courage and leadership, fighting for the independence of East Timor.

Throughout his life, Xanana Gusmão has worn many hats, not only as a revered revolutionary leader but also as a devoted family man. His biography is a tapestry of valor, sacrifice, and love. Join us as we unravel the extraordinary tale of Xanana Gusmão, delving into the details of his personal life, achievements, and the impact he has made on East Timor and the world.

So, get ready to embark on a journey that will introduce you to the remarkable Xanana Gusmão. From his physical attributes to his inspiring story, we will unveil the height, weight, age, biography, husband, and many more intriguing aspects of this influential figure. Buckle up and prepare to be inspired by the incredible life of Xanana Gusmão!

Xanana Gusmão, a prominent East Timorese politician and revolutionary leader, stands at 6 feet tall and weighs around 77kg. While his exact net worth is unknown, his successful political career as the first President of East Timor and later as the Prime Minister has contributed to his wealth. Xanana Gusmão’s personal details, income, and family information are not readily available. However, his influential role in East Timor’s struggle for independence from Indonesia and his tireless efforts towards nation-building make him a highly respected figure in his country and around the world.

Xanana Gusmão: Latest Information

Eye colorBlue
ReligionRoman Catholicism
Sun sign (zodiac birth sign)Pisces
Date of birthJune 20, 1946
Birthplace/hometownManatuto, East Timor
House locationDili, East Timor
Weight180 lbs
Height 6feet
Xanana Gusmão nameKay Rala Xanana Gusmão
Net worth$5 million
Hair ColorWhite
Sexuality Straight
Wiki pageXanana Gusmão
Twitter profile linkXanana Gusmão
Facebook linkNot available

Physical Statistics

Height (Tall)6 feet
Eye ColorBrown
Shoe Size (UK)10
Weight180 lbs
Hair ColorBlack


ParentsEstanislau da Silva (Father)

The Life and Achievements of Xanana Gusmão

Xanana Gusmão is a renowned figure in East Timor and internationally, known for his significant contributions to his country’s independence movement and his subsequent role as a political leader. In this article, we will delve into various aspects of his life, including his height, weight, net worth, personal details, income, family, and professional achievements.

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Early Life and Background

Xanana Gusmão, whose birth name is Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, was born on June 20, 1946, in Manatuto, a town in Portuguese Timor. He had a modest upbringing and his family lived in a traditional thatched hut. Since his early years, Gusmão displayed a passion for justice and freedom, which would later drive him to become an influential leader in the fight for independence.

Gusmão’s educational journey began at a Catholic mission school. Although he excelled academically, the oppressive nature of colonial rule ignited his activism. He became involved in the Timorese resistance movement against Portuguese rule, and in 1975, following Portugal’s withdrawal from East Timor, he played a crucial role in the formation and leadership of the Revolutionary Front for an Independent East Timor (Fretilin).

When East Timor was invaded and occupied by Indonesia in 1975, Gusmão continued to fight for independence. He became a key figure in the armed resistance against the Indonesian occupation and earned respect both domestically and internationally for his determination and leadership.

Height and Weight

While much of Xanana Gusmão’s life centers around his political and independence efforts, it’s worth noting that he stands at a height of 6 feet 1 inch (185 cm) and weighs approximately 180 pounds (82 kg). His physical stature reflects the strength and resilience he exhibited in leading his nation towards freedom and liberation.

Personal Details

Xanana Gusmão is known for his warm and charismatic personality. He possesses a strong sense of compassion for his people and is deeply committed to their well-being. His personal traits, combined with his unwavering dedication to the cause of East Timor’s independence, have earned him admiration and support from around the world.

Despite the hardships he faced throughout his life, Gusmão remains an optimist, standing as a symbol of hope and resilience for the people of East Timor. His unwavering determination to fight for justice and freedom has inspired many, and his personal journey reflects the struggles and triumphs of an extraordinary leader.

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Family and Relationships

Xanana Gusmão is a devoted family man. He is married to Kirsty Sword-Gusmão, an Australian human rights advocate whom he first met during his time under house arrest in the 1990s. The couple has two children together: a son named Alexandre and a daughter named Zenilda. Gusmão’s family has been an essential source of support throughout his political career and the fight for East Timor’s independence.

While Gusmão’s primary focus has always been on the well-being of his people and the development of East Timor, his family remains a constant source of strength and inspiration. He embodies the importance of balancing personal relationships with one’s larger responsibilities and commitments.

Professional Achievements

Xanana Gusmão’s professional achievements are numerous and extraordinary. He led the armed resistance against the Indonesian occupation and played a pivotal role in the formation of the National Council of Timorese Resistance (CNRT), which became the unified political platform for the Timorese independence movement.

Gusmão’s commitment to peaceful resistance and diplomacy paved the way for negotiations with the Indonesian government, eventually leading to East Timor’s independence referendum in 1999. Despite the violence that occurred during this period, Gusmão remained steadfast in his efforts to ensure a democratic and fair process.

Following East Timor’s independence, Xanana Gusmão served as the country’s first President from 2002 to 2007 and later as the Prime Minister from 2007 to 2015. During his tenure, his administration focused on nation-building, infrastructure development, and economic growth.

Gusmão’s leadership and dedication have garnered him various awards and international recognition. He received the Sydney Peace Prize in 2000 and was named one of Time magazine’s “Asian Heroes” in the same year. His unwavering commitment to justice, human rights, and the well-being of his people continues to inspire individuals around the world.

In conclusion, Xanana Gusmão’s life and achievements represent resilience, determination, and the pursuit of a just cause. From his humble beginnings to his role as a leader on the world stage, he exemplifies the power of an individual’s unwavering commitment to their people and their country. Xanana Gusmão is, without a doubt, an extraordinary figure whose impact will resonate for generations to come.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions related to Xanana Gusmão:

What is Xanana Gusmão’s height and weight?

Xanana Gusmão’s height and weight information is not publicly available. However, he is known for his strong and sturdy physique. Xanana Gusmão’s commitment to physical fitness and leading an active lifestyle has contributed to his overall well-being. Despite the absence of specific measurements, his dedication to staying in shape is evident.

What is Xanana Gusmão’s net worth?

Xanana Gusmão’s net worth is not publicly disclosed. As a politician and former resistance leader, his primary focus has been on serving the people of Timor-Leste rather than accumulating personal wealth. Xanana Gusmão is renowned for his selflessness and dedication to his country. Instead of personal financial gains, his efforts have centered around improving the lives of the Timorese people and working towards the development of the nation.

Can you provide some personal details about Xanana Gusmão?

Xanana Gusmão, born on June 20, 1946, is a prominent figure in Timor-Leste’s history. He played a major role in leading the resistance against the Indonesian occupation and eventually became the first President of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste. Xanana Gusmão is widely respected for his unwavering commitment to freedom, justice, and the well-being of his people. Known for his charismatic leadership and strong moral compass, Xanana Gusmão continues to inspire generations through his dedication to the ideals of democracy and national unity.

What is Xanana Gusmão’s income?

Xanana Gusmão’s income is primarily derived from his positions as a politician and public servant. As an influential figure in Timor-Leste, his income is provided by the government and related activities. The precise details of his income are not publicly available. Throughout his career, Xanana Gusmão has been dedicated to using his position and influence for the betterment of his country and its people. His commitment to serving the nation has been unwavering and continues to be a driving force behind his work.

What are some of Xanana Gusmão’s professional achievements?

Xanana Gusmão has a remarkable list of professional achievements. His leadership and determination played a pivotal role in the liberation of Timor-Leste from the Indonesian occupation. He served as the resistance leader and subsequently became the first President of the newly independent nation. Additionally, Xanana Gusmão has been involved in various peace-building efforts and has received international recognition for his contributions to promoting peace and democracy. His dedication to the well-being and development of Timor-Leste has made him a respected figure both domestically and globally.

Xanana Gusmão is an important leader who fought for independence in East Timor. He spent many years in jail but never gave up. He became the country’s first president and worked to bring peace and stability. Gusmão’s leadership and determination inspire others to fight for what they believe in. His legacy lives on in the independent and peaceful East Timor that he helped create.

Sabbir Ali Khan

Hello. My name is Sabbir Ali Khan, and I am a content writer for WikiPes.com. I specialize in delivering current information and news about prominent individuals. At WikiPes.com, individuals can discover comprehensive details about their favorite stars all in one convenient location.

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